Social Impact Bonds and Education in Latin America

Despite substantial growth in education spending over the last decade, educational outcomes in the region lag behind other regions over the world – from years of school to quality of schooling. Social Impact Bonds may represent a new tool for LAC countries to improve education outcomes. White paper of SIBs for education. Levey, Bloomgarden and Eddy, 2015.


Impact Bonds and Maximizing Finance Development

his paper outlines the potential contributions of impact bonds to the World Bank Group’s Maximizing Finance for Development (MFD) approach. The MFD approach is in part a response by the World Bank Group to the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.


Considerations For Investment Returns and Pricing Of Outcomes

This paper offers an initial framing of the challenge to set the terms of investment and pricing, so that outcome payer organizations can begin to address questions regarding how to approach pricing outcomes in impact bonds.


On Point: Outcomes-Based Finance, Covid-19 and The Road Ahead

In April 2020, Levoca Impact Labs, in its role as the Impact Bond Working Group Secretariat, conducted a survey of key outcomes-based finance (OBF) stakeholders and practitioners. Responses were received from 31 organizations and spanned views on near term challenges, emerging solutions, and longer-term considerations and opportunities. This briefing note draws from these responses as well as suggestions and other consultations within the community of practitioners in outcomes-based finance.
