
The Outcomes for Change Fund (OCF) is the first outcomes fund launched in a fragile context. The OCF brings together a blended-finance model to delivering better results in Haiti by paying for services only when results are achieved. Launched by IDB Lab in 2021, the OCF demonstrates how new financing mechanisms that pay based on results can amplify the impact of donor aid and development finance in fragile countries.

The first two Outcomes-Based Financing (OBF) contracts were launched in late 2023 with funding from IDB Lab and the Vitol Foundation.

  • Paying for Sanitation Success, implemented by SOIL, provides safely-managed sanitation services to vulnerable families in northern Haiti.
  • Leveraging Technology and Incentives to Enhance Last Mile Health in Haiti, implemented by Care 2 Communities, provides lifesaving antenatal and postnatal services to expectant mothers in rural Haiti.

Levoca is supporting IDB Lab and other partners in the development of are actively designing and anticipate launching several additional projects over the coming year. OCF projects incorporate a variety of outcomes-based designs, including impact bonds, performance-based contracts, and impact-linked finance.

Levoca’s Role

Levoca is providing partners with end-to-end support, including originating, fundraising and designing the first investments after the OCF was officially launched. We continue to support IDB and partners with current portfolio of projects, including performance management and technical assistance to providers, as well as technical design and negotiations for the next set of projects.


The OCF was launched by IDB Lab and has received co-funding from the Vitol Foundation. Service providers include SOIL and Care to Communities. Additional funding partners will be announced as new contracts are launched.

Learn More

Contact us to learn how you can get involved with the SSF or to learn more about how Levoca can support your deal structuring and management needs.